IHG Research Grants
A huge effort, in terms of labor and time, over the years, has produced both a viable radical journal and a surplus of funds that can be used to support radical research and writing. The Institute of Human Geography has awarded more than $225,000 as grant funds till date (see details of awardees and their research topics below).
We invite proposals up to US $10,000 per grant, and continue to welcome applications for smaller research grants (under US $5,000). The context for the IHG Research Grants is provided by an editorial by Richard Peet published in the first issue (2008) of the Human Geography journal.
The main criteria on which proposals are examined include:
Radical potential of the work
Effectiveness of the proposal
Eventual contribution to the Human Geography journal and/or the Radical Geography book series
A Committee consisting of the Human Geography journal’s Editors would review the Applications consisting of the following:
A. Proposal (12-point font, double-spaced, maximum of five pages) should include:
1. Cover page with:
title of the proposal;
name(s) and affiliation(s) of the applicant(s);
short summary of the proposed work;
previous contributions: please mention any manuscript(s) previously submitted to the Human Geography journal or the Radical Geography book series (inform us of acceptance/rejection or publication elsewhere), and let us know if you have reviewed any manuscript for either sometime in the last 3 years.
2. Explanation (maximum of four pages) should include
the proposal, a description of the proposed research, including a timeline;
a description of previous work in the area;
statement on the radical character and the potential contribution of the proposed research or activism;
statement on the possible publication of results with Human Geography or Radical Geography.
B. Budget (12-point font, maximum of one page) detailing how the funds would be spent (i.e. on research expenses rather than salary and/or purchase of hardware).
C. Curriculum Vitae(s) from each applicant (maximum of four pages).
The entire application should be submitted via email as a single, ten-page PDF to the Institute of Human Geography (ihumangeography@gmail.com). Please note that the annual application deadline is September 15.
Research Grants Recipients
Saad Ismail Amira (Al Quds Bard College, Palestine), Hannah Boast (University of Edinburgh, UK) & Samer Raddad (Al Quds Bard College, Palestine) - Palestinian women, cooperative agriculture & land-based struggle, 1967-2005
Maria Villalpando Páez (University of California, Berkeley, USA) - Cultivating Food Sovereignty in the High Mixtec Region: A Participatory Approach Towards Peasant Women’s Knowledge and Experience
Juneseo Hwang (University of Hamburg, Germany) & Tony Hyunduck Cho (University of California, San Diego, USA) - Everyday encounters: The U.S. military, war economy, and place-based resistance in Pyeongtaek, South Korea
Carolyn Swope (Columbia University, USA) - District of Dispossession: The Embodiment of Gentrification Within the Long History of Racial Capitalism in Southwest Washington, D.C.
Francisco Fernández Romero (Instituto de Geografía, Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET, Argentina) & Pato Laterra (Universidad de Buenos Aires / Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Políticas Públicas / CONICET, Argentina) - Trans Political Economy: Travesti-trans experiences and strategies in the workplace
Isaac Rivera (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) & Drew Heiderscheidt (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) - Dismantling the Colonial Archive: Towards Life Affirming Geospatial Infrastructures
Theryn Arnold (York University, Canada) - Climate, Crisis, and Worker Health: Green Capitalism and State Policy in Canada
Peerzada Raouf Ahmad (O P Jindal Global University, Haryana, India) - Dispossession as State Building: Understanding Securitized Social Formations of Gurez
Joel White & Peter Hopkins (Newcastle University, UK) - “These are our neighbours”: asylum justice and anti-Islamophobia activism in Scotland
Richard Kirk (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) - The Role of Territorial Stigmatization in Gentrification and Redevelopment Imaginaries of South Los Angeles
Amrita Sharma (O. P. Jindal Global University, India) - ‘Naya Kashmir’ and New Regimes of Dispossession: Locating Class in Conflict
Nikos Kapitsinis (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) - Behind the glamorous fine-dining scene of Copenhagen: precarity and exploitation of skilled and unskilled, native and migrant labor
Aireen Grace Andal (Macquarie University, Australia and Ural Federal University, Russian Federation) - What if slum-dwelling children plan an imagined city? Using creative methodologies to articulate the geographical imaginaries of slum-dwelling children in the Philippines
Nathalia Hernández Vidal (University of North Texas, USA), Nelsa De la Hoz (Independent researcher, Colombia), Laura Gutiérrez Escobar (Institute for Bioethics, Universidad Javeriana, Colombia) & Diego Silva (Centre for International Environmental Studies, Switzerland) - Environmental (In)Justice and Climate Coloniality in Climate Change Mitigation Programs
Shreya Singh (University of Queensland, Australia), Rajni Gamage (National University of Singapore), Jamal Nabulsi (University of Queensland, Australia), Anna Carlson (University of Queensland, Australia), & Natalie Osborne (Griffith University, Australia) - Abolitionist Approaches to Critical Geographical Research
David J. (Sandy) Marshall (Elon University, USA) - Shrines under Siege, colonizing and decolonizing sacred time-space in occupied Palestine
Leah Montange (University of Toronto, Canada and No New Washington Prisons) & Meredith Ruff (Northwest Justice Project and No New Washington Prisons) - “In-care-ceration”: how prisons expand through “care” in Washington State
Scott W. Schwartz (City College of New York, USA) - Particular Zombies: unDead Carbon & Subterranean Atmospheres
Valeria Ysunza (GeoBrujas, Institute of Geography for Peace, UNAM, Mexico and 9ICCG Internal Committee) & Eduard Montesinos-Ciuro (Institute of Geography for Peace, University of Barcelona/University of Seville, Spain and 9ICCG Internal Committee) - Supporting the organization of the 9th International Conference of Critical Geographies Mexico 2023: Territories resisting extractivism: geographies from below and the left
Emma Colven (Department of Geography, King's College, UK) & Beki McElvain (College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley, USA) - Imagining a Disaster Risk Market: Constructing the ‘Finance Gap’ in Indonesia and Mexico
Àlex Muñoz-Viso - Care and Control in the ‘Secured Campus’: Experiences of Everyday Life in the Nevada Cares Campus
Amy Dundon - Racial Capitalism Builds the City: Debt Financing and Crisis in Urban California
Vivian D. Rodríguez-Rocha - Counter-topographies of Care: Care Activism in the Movement for Women’s Lives in Mexico
Emily Mitchell-Eaton - Geographies of Postpartum Care/Work in the Neoliberal US Academy
Keith Bower Brown - Construction: labor and environmental justice allied in California’s San Joaquin Valley
Sonja Pietiläinen - The Greening of Spatial Politics: The Far-Right's Environmentalism in Finland and Russia
Chester Arcilla - Against the erasures of neoliberal urbanism in the South
Key MacFarlane - Dead Land: Geographies of Life, Death, and Waste in the San Francisco Bay Area
Robert Ross - Role of American Christianity in the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement
Alexander Dunlap - The Rural (Mega) Transformer: Resisting the Electrical Land Grab and Renewable Energy Development in St. Victor, France
Benjamin Fash - Beyond Resistance to Resource Extraction: Post-extractivist Experiments in Honduras
Colleen Hammelman, Yuki Kato, Charles Levkoe, Kristin Reynolds & Joshua Sbicca - Radical Food Geographies: Connecting Knowledges, Cultivating Practices, (re)Imagining Governance
Kany Abdullah & Caroline Faria - #SenDeAnlat (Tell your story, too): State violence, sexual harassment and the resistance strategies of Kurdish women in Northern Kurdistan-Turkey
Martina Angela Caretta - Embodying the hydro-social cycle. An intersectional analysis of everyday resistance
Willie Wright, Adam Bledsoe & Yousuf Al-Bulushi - (anti)Blackness in the American Metropolis
Jason Rhodes, Shahidur Rahman, Fatimah Momtaz & Zareef Kareem - Subverting the clothing commodity chain: Forging new, radical clothing connections from Atlanta to Bangladesh
Johnny Finn, Brianna Mayer, T'Keyah Banks, Madeline Long & Alexandria Robinson - Living Together / Living Apart: Denaturalizing 21st century urban segregation through stories, sound, and images
Levi Van Sant & Dean Hardy - Protecting nature, protecting property relations: Conservation easements and the political ecology of racial capitalism
Amber Murrey, Sasha Adkins, Sintayehu Demeke, Odomara Mubangizi, Patricia Daley, Janae Davis, Fedaku Tolassa, Adam Elliot-Cooper, Yonique Campbell & Anteneh Tesfahun - Decolonizing the university: A workshop for understanding, troubling, and enacting epistemic decolonization
Giorgos Velgrakis, Thanos Andritsos, Eirini Gaitanou & Dimitris Poulis - The geographies of austerity: Mapping land dispossession and social resistance in crisis-ridden Greece
Joaquín Villanueva - Court Geographies: The Expansion of Carcerality in the Parisian Banlieue
Kriangsak Teerakowitkajorn - Masculinized labor activism and gendered household reproduction in Thailand's 'Detroit'
Neil Nunn - Toxic encounters, settler colonial logics of elimination, and the future of the continent
Rakhee Kewada - The East African Silk Road: Chinese Investment in Maritime Infrastructure in Tanzania
Wing-Shing Tang - The Eight Meeting of East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography
Craig Jones - Israeli militarism and the politics of dissent
David Spataro - RNC Not Welcome oral history project
Kelly Kay - Investigating the impacts of financial investment in US forests
Lindsay Shade - Politics Below the Surface: A Political Ecology of Mineral Rights and Land Tenure Struggles in Appalachia and the Andes
Lydia Pelot-Hobbs - Contesting the Consolidation of the Louisiana Carceral State
Ohio Student Association - Breaking Consent, Making Space for Racial and Economic Justice: the OSA Fellowship Program
Robert Bridi - Biotechnological Geographies: An Examination of the Genetically Modified Cotton Industry in Maharashtra, India
Waquar Ahmed - Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investments in Retail in India: the case of Walmart
Andrew Newman, Sarah Safransky & Linda Campbell - Detroit, a People’s Atlas: Movement Building Through Counter-Cartography
Annie Spencer - Terminal Conditions: How The State Manages Over-Accumulation Through the Body
Caitlin Cahil & Amanda Matles - Suspending Justice: Alternatives to Zero Tolerance
Deshonay Dozier & Pete White - Shattering Oblivion: A Skid Row Black Men and Boys Initiative
Elizabeth Sibilia & Muhammed Ali Shahin - Shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh
John Lauermann - Contesting the Olympics: urban politics and the timing of anti-Olympic activism
Laura Reyes - Earth University
Sasha Davis - Global anti-imperialist solidarity networks - What works and what's needed?