Human Geography - 194277860800100111.pdf

IHG Research Grants

A huge effort, in terms of labor and time, over the years, has produced both a viable radical journal and a surplus of funds that can be used to support radical research and writing. The Institute of Human Geography has awarded more than $225,000 as grant funds till date (see details of awardees and their research topics below).

We invite proposals up to US $10,000 per grant, and continue to welcome applications for smaller research grants (under US $5,000). The context for the IHG Research Grants is provided by an editorial by Richard Peet published in the first issue (2008) of the Human Geography journal.

The main criteria on which proposals are examined include:

A Committee consisting of the Human Geography journal’s Editors would review the Applications consisting of the following:

A. Proposal (12-point font, double-spaced, maximum of five pages) should include:

1. Cover page with: 

2. Explanation (maximum of four pages) should include 

B. Budget (12-point font, maximum of one page) detailing how the funds would be spent (i.e. on research expenses rather than salary and/or purchase of hardware).

C. Curriculum Vitae(s) from each applicant (maximum of four pages).

The entire application should be submitted via email as a single, ten-page PDF to the Institute of Human Geography ( Please note that the annual application deadline is September 15

Research Grants Recipients



