Substantive Articles:

Joseph Nevins - A tourist, not a god: Mike Davis, radical geographer

Kevin R. Cox - States and their territorializations: Class, local dependence, and how geohistory matters

Marie Chase and Adrienne Johnson - Oil extraction and Indigenous women: Examining the necropolitics of the settler state in the Bakken region

Antulio Rosales, Eva van Roekel, Peter Howson, and Coco Kanters - Poor miners and empty e-wallets: Latin American experiences with cryptocurrencies in crisis

Daniel Manzione Giavarotti, Ana Carolina Gonçalves Leite, and Clara Lemme Ribeiro - Migrations and new expulsions: accumulation by dispossession or crisis of capitalist societal reproduction?


Levi Gahman - Alienation flows through the barrel of a gun: Despair, mass shootings, and suicide in an American settler colony

Amedeo Policante and Erica Borg - CRISPR futures: Rethinking the politics of genome editing

Martha E. Gimenez - The ideology of intersectionality: Historical materialist observations

Kwame Adovor Tsikudo - Different approach, same focus: How China is shaping the future of its African cooperation through education


Tod D. Rutherford - Beyond engaged pluralism? The question of labor in labor geography

Visual Interventions:

Asif Mehmood and Sajjad Hasnain - The lactosocial at Data Saheb’s Shrine (Lahore-Pakistan): Piety, flows, commons, and the community 

Symposium on Mike Davis, the Radical Urban Activist-Scholar (Guest Editor: Ananya Roy)

Ananya Roy - Editorial: Honoring Mike Davis

Ananya Roy - A political autopsy of Liberal Los Angeles

Juan De Lara - Lessons in accumulated rage and rebellious scholarship with Mike Davis

Michael Storper - The poet of LA’s urban: Mike Davis

Deshonay Dozier - To Los Angeles: United in Grief, United in Struggle

Robin D. G. Kelley - “Old school socialist”

Susanna Hecht - Mike Davis: Planetarity and environmentalisms: the invention of new environmental histories from the Ecology of Fear to Victorian Holocausts

Substantive Articles:

Rae Baker and Dylan M. Harris - Socioecological topologies of student debt in the United States

Kionna L. Henderson, Ashton Shortridge and Richard C. Sadler - Environmental crisis or an act of contemporary racism? A Flint effect on maternal health disparities

Khagendra Prasai - The Belt and Road Initiative in Nepal: Potential impacts and implications

Jason C. Mueller - Subjective destitution, love, and rebellion in pandemic times: Theorizing with Hot Skull


John Agnew - The language of intractability and the Gaza War: Conflating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is historically problematic and misses how much contemporary Israel has become a role model for ethno-nationalists worldwide

Raouf Ahmad Peerzada, Amrita Sharma and Samyuktha Kannan - University and resistance: New state and new struggles

Kathryn Zacharek - The unsustainable life of British Universities

Tod Rutherford - The labor of strikes: Unions, workers, and the 2023 UAS strike wave


Margath Walker and Jamie L. Winders - Geographies of artificial intelligence: Labor, surveillance, and activism

Visual Intervention:

Christabel Devadoss - From Jamestown to Bethlehem: Local connections of geopolitical violence

Kaisu Koski - Picnic methodology: rethinking multispecies relationships through alfresco meals


Substantive Articles:

Nikos Kapitsinis - The 2007/08 capitalist crisis evolution in Greece: A geographical political economy perspective

Sylvia Gonzalez-Gorman - Disrupting Agamben: Beyond undocumented children as “Homo Sacer”

Stella Medvedyuk, Piara Govender and Dennis Raphael - Communicating Friedrich Engels’s return to Manchester: Arts and cultural event, history lesson, or call to action?

Jerónimo Montero Bressán - Capitalist crisis and the geography of the clothing industry


Simon Gilbert - Caught in the crossfire: The Uyghurs in America’s propaganda war with China

Carly Thomsen, Zach Levitt, Christopher Gernon and Penelope Spencer - Presence and absence: Crisis pregnancy centers and abortion facilities in the contemporary reproductive justice landscape

Jarren Richards - Industrialization in Odisha, India and the politics of scale: International grievance mechanisms as spaces of engagement

David Rudolph - The question of ‘sustainable’ technology: From socio-ecological fixes to transformations


Valentina Gosetti, Adrian Walsh and Daniel A. Finch-Race - Reclaiming provincialism  

Symposium: Rejoinder to Phil O’Keefe’s Production of Nature Re-Visited (Guest Editor: Brent McCusker):

Brent McCusker - Remembering Phil O’Keefe

Ipsita Chatterjee - First Conversation

Waquar Ahmed - Nurturing the Production of Nature

Paul O’Keefe - Phil, Neil, The Production of Nature and me

Ben Wisner - Land Use and Development: the early work of Phil O’Keefe

Ipsita Chatterjee - Roll on That Day: A Dialectical Poetry

Tom Brass - Communication: Marxism, deproletarianisation, geographers and non-geographers

Substantive Articles:

Sarah Cheikhali - The spatial antecedents for drone governance in Afghanistan

Parvathy Binoy - Black intimacies with food sovereignty and land in the midst of gentrification in Saint Paul’s historic Rondo

Subhanil Chowdhury - Economics and politics under Modi government: A synoptic view

Dominik Winkler - The political economy of bordering and the reproduction of borders in the case of frontex


James A Tyner and Stian Rice - Along came a spider…and capitalism killed it

Jude Fernando - The Citizen’s uprising in Sri Lanka: A watershed moment against racial capitalism

Joshua J. Watterton - Military spending and economic development: A theoretical note

Cosku Celik - Global food insecurity as a crisis of social reproduction for the classes of labour


Natalie Koch - Geographies of nationalism

Joshua Lohnes and Adam Pine - Feeding lines: Standing up in the neoliberal charitable food regime

Visual Intervention:

Nicholas Gerstner, Adrienne R. Hall and Scott Kirsch - An archive of good road and racial capitalism in North Carolina

Substantive Articles

Stefano Bloch and Thomas Brasdefer - Edward W. Soja’s Radical Spatial Perspective 

Erin Flanagan and Dennis Raphael - From personal responsibility to an eco-socialist state: Political economy, popular discourses and the climate crisis 

Conchúr Ó Maonaigh - Cross-class alliances and the rise of electric vehicles in Dublin

Andrew S. Mitchell, Daniel Kerr, John Rowlatt, and Subhes Bhattacharyya - Developmental discourses of transition in the Indian transport sector: A corpus linguistic survey of the literature

Erica Zurawski - Materializing the metaphor: Theorizing the food desert as a sociospatial–legal instrument in the production of space


Azam Khatam - Mahsa Amini’s killing, state violence, and moral policing in Iran 

John Agnew - Is Fascism really back in Italy? 

Nathalia Hernández Vidal and Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - The dialectics of hope and critique: Reflections on Colombia’s new government 

Noura Erakat - “A thorn in their throat” planning for settler colonial removal in hizma

Mohammad Mohibul Haque and Nousheen Baba Khan - Rape as a tool of political mobilisation: The experience of Indian Muslim 


David Wilson - Existential capitalism and gentrification in pandemic times

Arnisson Andre C. Ortega - Toward critical demography 2.0 

F.T.C. Manning - Geographies of ground rent: Periodizing ground rent theory, spatializing ground rent refusal 

Visual Intervention

Jamal Nabulsi - A politics of conviction: The refusal of colonial carcerality in Palestinian graffiti 

Volume 15, Issue 1 (Special Issue: Marxist Geography) 

Guest Editor: Richard Peet


Richard Peet - Thinking geographically as a Marxist

Substantive Articles:

Gunnar Olsson - Notes from the dome

David Harvey - Reflections on an academic life

Fernando González - Marxism as a tool for uncovering hegemonic discourses on nature

Raju J Das - What is Marxist geography today, or what is left of Marxist geography?

Waquar Ahmed - Marxist geography: A personal journey

Noel Castree - Marxism and the logics of dis/integration

Kevin R Cox - The long and winding road

Camilla Royle - Thinking as an Engelsian

Michael Webber - Marx as a guide for a critical geographer

Jayson J Funke - Debunking the system: The rigging of the geofinancial power network

Ipsita Chatterjee - Marx lies within

Sagie Narsiah - Marx and the mirage of change: Notes from South Africa

Jim Glassman - Many Marxisms

Patrick Bond - Capitalist crisis and uneven development applied in Southern Africa

Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro - Biophysical questions: Relating Marxism to physical geography

Andrew Herod - Adventures with Marx

Alistair Fraser - Basslines, brains, bits, bytes, and burgers: Working with, and within the limits to, Marxism

Sarah Glynn - Marx and Me

Substantive Articles:

Wouter Grove, Jacqueline Ann Goldin, Johan Breytenbach, and Carolina Suransky - Taking togetherness apart: From digital footprints to geno-digital spores

Cletus Famous Nwankwo and Romanus U. Ayadiuno - Landscape memories of land struggles in plateaus of two Nsukka villages in Nigeria

Thomas P. Narins and John Agnew - Veiled futures? Debt burdens, the Belt Road Initiative, and official Chinese lending after coronavirus


Susan Chiblow and Paul J. Meighan - Language is land, land is language: The importance of Indigenous languages

Paramjit Singh - Neoliberal capitalism and misery of small peasantry and agricultural labourers in India

Tom Brass - Marxism, methods, and hen’s teeth

Ivana Bevilacqua - E-scaping apartheid: Digital ventures of Zionist settler colonialism

Book Reviews:

Lindsey Dillon - From the inside out: The fight for environmental justice within government agencies - Jill Harrison

Jonathan Spencer Esmonde - Advanced Introduction to Marxism and Human Geography - Kevin R. Cox

Alexander Dunlap - Extractivisms, Existences, and Extinctions: Monoculture Plantations and Amazon Deforestation - Markus Kröger

Leah Montange - A review of The shadow of El Centro: A history of migrant incarceration and solidarity - Jessica Ordaz

Substantive Articles:

Brian M. Napoletano, John Bellamy Foster, and Brett Clark - Antinomies of space and nature or an open totality? Neil Smith and Henri Lefebvre on nature and society

Isra S Saymour - The oilfields of Mesopotamia: Resource conflict, oil extraction and heritage destruction in Iraq

Wanda Martin, Lindsey Wagner, and Kerry Marshall - Urban hen legislation: Exposing an unexpected public health problem


Kevin Cox - Rentier capitalism in question

Teklehaymanot G. Weldemichel - Inventing hell: how the Ethiopian and Eritrean regimes produced famine in Tigray

Keith Brower Brown - The poverty of power in the Green Keynesian turn

Carly Thomsen - Animating and sustaining outrage: The place of crisis pregnancy centers in abortion justice

Enfu Cheng - Giving full play to the state-led regulation in the market economy


Brian F. O’Neill and Matthew Jerome Schneider - Demystifying the Global ‘Just Transition’—On Power Struggles and Electric Mountains


Richard Peet, Ipsita Chatterjee, and Paul Susman - Farewell Phil O’Keefe

Substantive Articles:

Kevin Cox - Massey, Marx, and human geography: disjunctures and provocations

John Agnew - Immanuel Wallerstein, the “modern world-system,” and radical human geography

Levi Van Sant, Dean Hardy, and Bryan Nuse - Conserving what? Conservation easements and environmental justice in the coastal US South

Ilia Farahani and Shadi Yousefi - Public housing, intersectoral competition, and urban ground rent: Iran’s first public housing program that never was

Howard Stein, Samantha Cunningham, and Pádraig Carmody - The rise of “behavioral man”: Randomized controlled trials and the “new” development agenda

Shantanu De Roy and C. Saratchand - Covid-19 and some contours of India’s ongoing agrarian crisis

Halley L. Glier, Emma Gregory, Temperance Staples, Megan Martínez, Anita Fábos, S.E.D. Mitchell, and Timothy J. Downs -  Understanding stakeholder positionalities and relationships to reimagine asylum at the US–Mexico border: Observations from McAllen, TX

Alistair Fraser - Ghosts in the vending machine: Expressing corporate power in Ireland’s food and drinks industry via the territorialization of selective openness

Symposium on Capitalism and the Pandemic (Part II):

Danny Dorling - Everything, almost everywhere, is slowing down

Sandeep Kandikuppa and Pallavi Gupta - Capitalist agriculture and the creation of the circular migrant: Understanding COVID-19’s impact on internal migrants in India

Alfredo Saad-Filho - Endgame: from crisis in neoliberalism to crises of neoliberalism

Mizhar Mikati - Socio-ecological contradictions and the future of food

Book Reviews:

Stephen Muecke - A review of Connecting people, place and design by Angelique Edmonds

Richard Vogt - The problem of collective memory for a 21st-century European Union

Richard Kirk - The anti-capitalist chronicles

Jason Luger - Routledge Handbook of Street Culture

Visual Intervention:

Clayton Rosati - Mob Rule in Shadow and Light


Understanding stakeholder positionalities and relationships to reimagine asylum at the US–Mexico border: Observations from McAllen, TX

Volume 14, Issue 2 (Special Issue: Friedrich Engels and Geography)

Guest Editor: Camilla Royle


Camilla Royle - Introduction: Friedrich Engels and geography

Substantive Articles:

Baruc Jiménez Contreras - Engels, humanism and revolutionary praxis:The centrality of the dynamic analysis of historical materialism and its inherent relation to overcoming capitalist alienation

Sheila Margaret McGregor - Engels on women, the family, class and gender

Joe Pateman - Friedrich Engels on state socialism 

Tanya Chaudhary - Engels’ ‘proletarisation’ and ‘great towns’ vis-à-vis dispossession, and gendered work in an informal economy

F.T.C. Manning - The Housing Question, ground rent theory, and differentiation vs. Homogenization

Prachi Metawala, Kathrin Golda-Pongratz, and Clara Irazábal - Revisiting Engels’ ‘housing question’:Work and housing conditions of immigrant platform delivery riders in Barcelona

Thomas Jellis and Joe Gerlach - An untimely geographer: Friedrich Engels, ideas and geography in Oxford

Mark Justin Rainey and Steve Hanson - The double return of Friedrich Engels:Towards a dialectics of the trace

Terrell Carver - Afterword: Reprise and reflection


Constantinos Alexiou - Covid-19, capitalism and political elites:The real threat to humanity

Maurilio Pirone - Pandemic transition:Techno-politics and social reproduction struggles

Bosman Batubara - Swyngedouw’s puzzle: Surplus-value production in socionature

Collin L. Chambers - Historical materialism, social change, and the necessity of revolutionary optimism

Joseph Mensah and David Firang - Dialectics to the rescue: Critical insights into Africa’s (under)development

Book Reviews:

Andrew Herod - Spatial Histories of Radical Geography: North America and Beyond

Devran Koray Öcal - Anthropocene Geopolitics: Globalization, Security, Sustainability

Guy Crawford - The Frontier Effect: State Formation and Violence in Colombia

Volume 14, Issue 3 (Special Issue: Spaces of Palestine solidarity)

Guest Editor: Robert Ross


Robert Ross - Introduction: Spaces of Palestine solidarity

Substantive Articles:

Anna Bernard - You start where you are: Literary spaces of Palestine solidarity

Ghazi-Walid Falah - The (Im)possibility of Achieving a Peaceful Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Scott Webster - The 'Palestine poster' and everyday memoricide: Making killing memory mundane

Ramah Awad - BDS as the baseline of solidarity: toward a model of co-struggling with Palestinians in their movement for justice and liberation

Sunaina Maira - The academic boycott movement: A reflection on cross-border solidarity and lockdown

Haidar Eid - Futuristic vision for Palestine 

Stefan Peter Norgaard - Modernization through capitalization: The hidden costs of Ethiopias Gibe III Dam and NESTown initiative 

Gezahegn Abebe - Debate on the linkages between large-scale agriculture and farmers food security: Examples from Ethiopia